Essex County Council’s Admission Policy is explained in more detail in the booklet ‘Primary Education in Essex’ a copy of which is available from the school office on request. This booklet includes a copy of the ‘Common Application Form’ which can also be accessed online at .
Admissions of New Intake
(Children starting at the beginning of the new school year in the reception class.)
Parents who wish to apply for a place for their child at Purford Green should send a ‘Common Application Form’ either on paper or online to Planning and Admissions at Essex County Council by the published closing date, which varies from year to year. Planning and Admissions will allocate places by the published offer date, which also varies from year to year. At Purford Green we can admit 30 children in each academic year.
No child is guaranteed a place at the school. In the event of the school being over subscribed, places are allocated using our Admissions Policy. The following criteria are used in the order shown:
- Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children
- Children with a sibling attending the school at the time of application;
- Children who attend the nursery at Purford Green Primary School and Nursery;
- Children of a permanent member of staff who has been employed to work at Purford Green Primary School for two years or more at the time of application;
- Children living in the priority admission area;
- Remaining applications.
When can my child start school?
Children, whose 5th birthday is between September 1st and August 31st of the following year, will be able to start school in at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Children who are very young in September, perhaps just 4, do not have to attend school for a full day. Parents may choose to send them for half a day initially, but will be encouraged to bring their child to school all day by the spring term. All children must be in school for a full day once they are five years old.
In June or July a meeting will be held for all parents whose children are due to start our school in the following academic year. At this meeting, parents will have an opportunity to meet the Early Years staff and learn more about what to expect as their children start school. Arrangements will also be made for home visits, for children to try out our school menus and the details about the children’s phased start to their first term.
We are always very happy to meet parents who may be thinking about sending a child to Purford Green. You can contact the school office, make an appointment to meet the Headteacher, Miss Bloomfield, and have a chance to look around the school. Miss Bloomfield will be happy to talk to you about our school and answer your questions.
Admissions other than new intake
Parents requesting admission to school at any other time are encouraged to visit the school and meet the Headteacher. The Headteacher will let parents know whether there is a place available for their child. If there is a space for their child, parents will need to complete the Mid-Year Application Forms.
Once you have completed the forms, send them to We will contact you by email within 10 - 15 school days to notify you and Essex County Council of the outcome. As we can only admit 30 pupils per year group, we ask that you notify us within 10 school days of receiving the emailed letter if you wish to accept the place. This will allow us to offer places to other families applying or are on our waiting list.
Children with specific educational needs may have a delayed start to ensure that the right support is in place.
New arrivals and children for whom English is an additional language
New Arrivals: Parents of children who have just arrived in England and are requesting admission to our school are expected to visit the school and meet the Headteacher. If necessary the family are encouraged to bring a friend or relative, able to act as an interpreter at this meeting.
All EAL pupils: If English is not the first language spoken at home children may need some extra support settling into our school. Although it is very important for EAL pupils to work alongside native English speakers to help their growing knowledge and understanding of the language, EAL pupils will also have time and intervention with an EALTeaching Assistant.
Transfer to Secondary School
We have good working relationships with all local secondary schools but as we work in partnership with Passmores, children will visit regularly throughout their time at Purford Green. They will work alongside Passmores teachers and students to complete projects, spending their last 2 weeks of Primary school at Passmores.
Representatives from other secondary schools will come and visit our Y6 pupils in school and children will also be invited to visit their chosen secondary schools as part of the transition process.
This information is also available in the attachment below.
If an application is refused, parents do have a right to appeal. Information regarding admission appeals, including the appeals timetable, is available on the Essex County Council website: